Sunday, December 10, 2006
Dress Up
Thanks to her great aunt Spence, Madison has plenty of fun things for dress up. Meet Girl 1 in the Harem!

Bethlehem, TX
After Maddie's dance recital, we were invited to go to Bethlehem with 2 good friends, Becki and Rebecca. During the hour long ride into the Texas Hill Country, Becki and Rebecca explained to us that the First Baptist Church of Burnett, TX creates the city of Bethlehem every year during the first 2 weeks of December. I have to be up front in saying that I had no idea what I was in for. When we arrived at the downtown square in Burnett, there was a line that seemed very long, but I had no idea the line was actually longer than my eyes could see. The line spanned at least 6 blocks. There were thousands of people from all over Texas waiting to see Bethlehem. We stood in line for over an hour and finally made our way through giant city gates to find Roman soilders walking around, camp fires burning, hundreds of people in period costumes selling their goods, and live animals.
At first, I was concerned this experience would be overwhelming to Madison. Literally, there were thousands of people trying to experience what Bethlehem must have been like when Jesus was born. It became apparent how overwhelming this experience was for me. I cannot adequately descibe the experience and the pictures I took do not adequately capture the experience either. We saw candle makers, rope makers, carpenters, visited the synagouge, toured the Inn, watched the bakers make the bread for the next day, saw the prison, a tavern, a typical home, and finally, the manger. In the manger were sheep and goats and donkeys. There was a powerful hush that came over this giant crowd as we drew near to the manger.
Maddie stood as still as a statue when we came face to face with Mary, Joseph, and the baby. I knelt down beside her. I explained how we park our car next to the hotel today, but long ago people staying at a hotel parked their animals in a stable. I explained a stable is like a parking lot. She wanted to hold the baby. I explained he was sleeping, like Hailey used to do all the time, and we just watched instead. I sang Away In A Manger to her and then we walked away. This was the most powerful experience of Christmas in my life and I shared it with the two people I love most in this world.
While Becki and Rebecca took Maddie inside the prison, I stood in the middle of Bethlehem, near the well, and realized that my faith grew out of a place just this primative. From this tiny city without mass communication, Christianity grew and circled the globe. Today, we have instant news from the other side of the world and yet we aren't any more peaceful than the people in Bethlehem. The early Christians spread the word of Christ without the postal service, e-mail, faxes, newspapers, or CNN. With so many "conveniences", it seems to me that we could do so much more than we are doing. With so many opportunites for communication, why do we still fight wars? With so many opportunities for healing, why are people still dying from disease? With so much of everything, why are there still people in the world who are hungry? I have been so blessed. I have so much. And I praise God for my family and my faith every single day. Jesus was the first miracle of the world. Madison was the first miracle in my world. Glory to God in the Highest!
At first, I was concerned this experience would be overwhelming to Madison. Literally, there were thousands of people trying to experience what Bethlehem must have been like when Jesus was born. It became apparent how overwhelming this experience was for me. I cannot adequately descibe the experience and the pictures I took do not adequately capture the experience either. We saw candle makers, rope makers, carpenters, visited the synagouge, toured the Inn, watched the bakers make the bread for the next day, saw the prison, a tavern, a typical home, and finally, the manger. In the manger were sheep and goats and donkeys. There was a powerful hush that came over this giant crowd as we drew near to the manger.
Maddie stood as still as a statue when we came face to face with Mary, Joseph, and the baby. I knelt down beside her. I explained how we park our car next to the hotel today, but long ago people staying at a hotel parked their animals in a stable. I explained a stable is like a parking lot. She wanted to hold the baby. I explained he was sleeping, like Hailey used to do all the time, and we just watched instead. I sang Away In A Manger to her and then we walked away. This was the most powerful experience of Christmas in my life and I shared it with the two people I love most in this world.
While Becki and Rebecca took Maddie inside the prison, I stood in the middle of Bethlehem, near the well, and realized that my faith grew out of a place just this primative. From this tiny city without mass communication, Christianity grew and circled the globe. Today, we have instant news from the other side of the world and yet we aren't any more peaceful than the people in Bethlehem. The early Christians spread the word of Christ without the postal service, e-mail, faxes, newspapers, or CNN. With so many "conveniences", it seems to me that we could do so much more than we are doing. With so many opportunites for communication, why do we still fight wars? With so many opportunities for healing, why are people still dying from disease? With so much of everything, why are there still people in the world who are hungry? I have been so blessed. I have so much. And I praise God for my family and my faith every single day. Jesus was the first miracle of the world. Madison was the first miracle in my world. Glory to God in the Highest!
I Was Born to Entertain

Last night was a very proud moment in the life of our family. Madison performed in her second dance recital. She was awesome! I was a nervous wreck during the first recital in June (just ask my mother) and to keep me calm last night, I brought my knitting. I jumped in at the last minute to take the place of a stage mom who was running late. I was talking to Maddie's class and addresses my child as Maddie. One of her dance buddies said, Her name is Madison. I explained I sometimes call her Maddie. The little girl said, Well her name is Madison. It was one of those moments where you step back from the situation and realize I am arguing with a 4 year old about the name I gave this child. Hello!
Here is the video of Maddie's recital with best dance buddy, Savvanah, to her right.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Thanksgiving 2006
This is my favorite holiday of the year and it always has been! I remember years ago when I could barely celebrate Christmas, I still loved Thanksgiving. We flew home from Savannah today and I miss my family already. We had a wonderful time together with all only a small dose of drama. Hey, what would a holiday be without some drama?
This week I met the newest addition to our family - Riley Ford, born on September 11. She is 2 months old and holding her head up. Riley is just precious and looks so much like her dad. I was so thrilled to meet her and love her and watch her sleep so peacefully.

I also had the chance to hang out with Big Quinn, nephew extraorraire. I am totally smitten with Quinn and so thankful he was born to Carl and Colleen! Quinn 100% boy and moves at 300 mph. I love every ounce of him! He and Maddie played so sweetly together this week and she is asking for him already. It broke my heart to leave Quinn, who is such an extraordinary extendtion of his father, who I love so much.

My Aunt Spence (Dad's sister from PA) and her son, Ford, joined the gang in Savannah. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Ford, who is 16!! How can he be 16?? I remember Dad taking pictures of me holding Ford when he was Riley's age!! I was so excited that Ford, who is incredibly talented in music and theater, is considering a career in science. Spence has raised an awesome young man. I hope they will come back to Mom and Dad's next year for Thanksgiving.

And then there was Gail. Gail is my mother's oldest sister who lives in Maryland. I have always loved Gail. She is responsible for creating my Christmas ornament collection and part of the reason I love to read so much. As a middle school principal and former teacher, Gail could always relate to me. I still feel the empty place left when Kathy died. Kathy's spirit is alive and kicking when I am with Gail and Mom. I hear Kathy is Gail's laugh and I see Kathy in Mom's smile. I know Mom feels the same way. There is something so special about us being together -me, Mom, and Gail. I told Kim today that I want to live in the same place with Gail when she decides to retire one day. I want her to be part of my family's daily life. I want to be there for Gail when she needs just about anything. Of course, it helps a lot that Kim is nuts about Gail! We had a wonderful week together and I realized tonight that I don't have a single picture of us together. I guess we'll have to plan a do-over!
Mom and Dad are such incredible parents that it is no surprise they have become incredible grandparents. Nanny and Pa are super heroes to the children in this family. Maddie is crazy about her Nanny and is already asking when we get to see her again. Quinn thinks Pa walks on water and it is the cutest thing to watch Quinn when Dad walks in the room. He gets so excited that he has to run around in circles for a while until he slams his whole body into Dad for a big hug. I absolutely love this parents of mine and it makes me weep to watch these children love them just as much.

This week I met the newest addition to our family - Riley Ford, born on September 11. She is 2 months old and holding her head up. Riley is just precious and looks so much like her dad. I was so thrilled to meet her and love her and watch her sleep so peacefully.

I also had the chance to hang out with Big Quinn, nephew extraorraire. I am totally smitten with Quinn and so thankful he was born to Carl and Colleen! Quinn 100% boy and moves at 300 mph. I love every ounce of him! He and Maddie played so sweetly together this week and she is asking for him already. It broke my heart to leave Quinn, who is such an extraordinary extendtion of his father, who I love so much.

My Aunt Spence (Dad's sister from PA) and her son, Ford, joined the gang in Savannah. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Ford, who is 16!! How can he be 16?? I remember Dad taking pictures of me holding Ford when he was Riley's age!! I was so excited that Ford, who is incredibly talented in music and theater, is considering a career in science. Spence has raised an awesome young man. I hope they will come back to Mom and Dad's next year for Thanksgiving.

And then there was Gail. Gail is my mother's oldest sister who lives in Maryland. I have always loved Gail. She is responsible for creating my Christmas ornament collection and part of the reason I love to read so much. As a middle school principal and former teacher, Gail could always relate to me. I still feel the empty place left when Kathy died. Kathy's spirit is alive and kicking when I am with Gail and Mom. I hear Kathy is Gail's laugh and I see Kathy in Mom's smile. I know Mom feels the same way. There is something so special about us being together -me, Mom, and Gail. I told Kim today that I want to live in the same place with Gail when she decides to retire one day. I want her to be part of my family's daily life. I want to be there for Gail when she needs just about anything. Of course, it helps a lot that Kim is nuts about Gail! We had a wonderful week together and I realized tonight that I don't have a single picture of us together. I guess we'll have to plan a do-over!
Mom and Dad are such incredible parents that it is no surprise they have become incredible grandparents. Nanny and Pa are super heroes to the children in this family. Maddie is crazy about her Nanny and is already asking when we get to see her again. Quinn thinks Pa walks on water and it is the cutest thing to watch Quinn when Dad walks in the room. He gets so excited that he has to run around in circles for a while until he slams his whole body into Dad for a big hug. I absolutely love this parents of mine and it makes me weep to watch these children love them just as much.

Monday, November 20, 2006
Birthday Celebration at Nanny and Pa's
As always, we are spending Thanksgiving week with my parents in Savannah. The rest of the family is arriving tomorrow, but today was spent focused on Maddie, the Birthday Girl. In the grand Ford tradition, the day began with Birthday Pancakes. Maddie was more impressed that I knew how to cook as she has never seen me in the kitchen doing anything more than dishes! Pa took her to get pinestraw for the yard, which turned into a big adventure. Dad gave her all kinds of toys to play with in the driveway. He is even building the grandchildren a giant swingset in the backyard. We all went on a walk, pulling Maddie in the wagon. Dad collected pine cones, which we stored in the wagon. Maddie would bend down to pick up hands full of sand on the side of the road to sprinkle the pine cones as if she were seasoning a dish. Can you tell Kim watches the Food Channel 24/7? God I love that baby!

Happy Birthday, Maddie!

My baby turned 4 today. How could 4 years have passed since she came into my life? When did she go from being the tiniest baby I had ever seen to this amazing little person with likes and dislikes and habits and quirks? She amazes me every single day and I am so incredibly proud of who she is. I am blessed to be this child's mommy! And it seems only fitting that we celebrate her birthday at Thanksgiving for I am so incredibly grateful!
On Saturday, November 18 we celebrated the birthday with her friends at our favorite park. We had so much and the day was absolutely perfect for an outdoor party! Her friends from school and church came, along with her favorite aunts - Becky, Janean, Lisa, and Karen.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Before we cruised in October, I had Maddie's hair braided. She picked out purple beads to put in the braids. Maddie loves her hair braided because the beads make a clicking noise when she moves her head. I love her hair braided because I don't have to comb it every day, which is a chore. White women have had it so easy for too long. In order for my family to truly appreciate the amount of hair my child has, I give you Madison - unleashed! It took 2 1/2 hours to take down the braids after 4 weeks. I think we're looking at a future Patti LaBelle!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Maddie's Latest Dance
On December 9, Maddie will have another recital. This is the dance she will be performing. I think these teachers have their work cut out for them. Be sure to turn it up! Maddie is in the pink skirt with buddy, Savannah, on her right.
15th High School Reunion

2006 marks 15 years since I graduated from high school in Hattiesburg, MS. It seems like a lifetime ago that I was in high school. There were a lot of people who were nervous about the reunion, but not me. I like myself so much better now than I ever did then. I hear on TV shows all the time that high school is the best time of your life. Not for me. I've gotten better with time, in my opinion. I was so excited about seeing old friends and believe it or not, I made some new ones! I spent so much time planning the reunion and got in touch with 2 ladies I never knew in high school, but have totally loved getting to know as adults. Leading up to the reunion, we talked every week or so. It was surprising to see how little people had changed. Except for a few. Kenneth Yarrow and Allison Prescott got married after high school and they look like rock stars now. And don't get me started on Casie Gotro, who I didn't get a picture of! She looks like someone off the cover of a magazine! Everyone else looked the same. We had a great weekend and I wouldn't have changed a thing. We danced and laughed and played and got to know each other's children. There are some gorgeous kids from the Class of '91!

Carnival Conquest
On October 15, I escorted a group of 200 from our church, MCC Austin. This is an annual fundraiser for the church and we have so much fun. To date, the church has raised over $60,000. This year, we sailed from Galveston to Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel. The ship is gorgeous! This was a working vacation, if there is a such a thing. Kim and Maddie had a great time and I thoroughly enjoyed being with my clients and my family.
The cruise aboard the Conquest marks Maddie's 5th cruise. It was the first time she really got into Camp Carnival, a program about which I cannot say enough. She had so much fun! And we got to have some fun too. Every day, there was a different theme in Camp Carnival. One day she was a pirate and another day a butterfly. Maddie made several friends, but couldn't remember their names. So she would shout Hey Friend when she would see them on the ship.
I think our favorite port was Grand Cayman. We visited the turtle farm, which was amazing! Kim really connected with the turtles and I totally thought we were coming home with one. Maddie was afraid of them at first because they are huge! She eventually came around. Lisa and Karen came with us and we loved it. Next, we went to Hell, which is the remaining lava that formed the island. So cool. Next, we swam with the stingrays. I did this excursion in '96 and thought it was a spiritual experience. I was so excited to share this experience with Kim and Maddie. While Kim loved it, Maddie hated it. I spent the rest of the afternoon with Maddie on the boat. Fortunately, Kim had Lisa and Karen to play in the water with.
I tried some new things on the cruise. I actually sang karaoke. The plan was to sing with Madison. As a mom, you can do anything with your kid and it's cute. So we picked the song Car Wash and went up on the stage. That little buger turned tail and ran off the stage, leaving me alone with a spot light. I could have died! I didn't have much choice but to start singing, if you can call it that. Let's just say I got a lot of "Ada Girl!" I also did an impromtu stand up comedy routine in an open mike situation. I have decided I want to be a comic when I grow up. I loved every one of the 3 minutes I was on stage making people laugh. I strung together stories about being a mom and being a travel agent that had them rolling in the aisles. Of course, these were my clients. Maybe they were just being nice. Who knows! I still had fun!

The cruise aboard the Conquest marks Maddie's 5th cruise. It was the first time she really got into Camp Carnival, a program about which I cannot say enough. She had so much fun! And we got to have some fun too. Every day, there was a different theme in Camp Carnival. One day she was a pirate and another day a butterfly. Maddie made several friends, but couldn't remember their names. So she would shout Hey Friend when she would see them on the ship.
I think our favorite port was Grand Cayman. We visited the turtle farm, which was amazing! Kim really connected with the turtles and I totally thought we were coming home with one. Maddie was afraid of them at first because they are huge! She eventually came around. Lisa and Karen came with us and we loved it. Next, we went to Hell, which is the remaining lava that formed the island. So cool. Next, we swam with the stingrays. I did this excursion in '96 and thought it was a spiritual experience. I was so excited to share this experience with Kim and Maddie. While Kim loved it, Maddie hated it. I spent the rest of the afternoon with Maddie on the boat. Fortunately, Kim had Lisa and Karen to play in the water with.
I tried some new things on the cruise. I actually sang karaoke. The plan was to sing with Madison. As a mom, you can do anything with your kid and it's cute. So we picked the song Car Wash and went up on the stage. That little buger turned tail and ran off the stage, leaving me alone with a spot light. I could have died! I didn't have much choice but to start singing, if you can call it that. Let's just say I got a lot of "Ada Girl!" I also did an impromtu stand up comedy routine in an open mike situation. I have decided I want to be a comic when I grow up. I loved every one of the 3 minutes I was on stage making people laugh. I strung together stories about being a mom and being a travel agent that had them rolling in the aisles. Of course, these were my clients. Maybe they were just being nice. Who knows! I still had fun!

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