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Sunday, April 06, 2008

Kingdergarten Kids

Yep, the time has come for Madison to venture out into the world and then starts with kindergarten. We registered last week at Forest Creek Elementary and it was great. Believe it or not, I didn't even hyperventalate. You should have seen us with my massive collection of paperwork. I wanted to be ready for anything they could possibly want - shot records, SS card, adoption papers, you name it!

Maddie's friend from the cul-du-sac is Halee and her other friend is Emily, from Emerson Academy. Hopefully, they will be in the same classroom. Kim and I joined Emily's mom, Kim, and Halee's mom, Erica, for a tour of the school. We watched the children play in the gym, sit in classrooms, and go to the cafateria. All 3 kids thought it was very "cool". Well said.

Maddie is looking forward to kindergarten and we are relieved. Neither one of us have very positive first day of school memories, so we'll keep our fingers crossed.

Rollie Pollies

I have no idea how to actually spell Rollie Pollies, but you get the idea. They are McKenzie's new obsession and she spends everyday in search of them. Her new classroom at Mt. Sinai (long story, call me for details) is studying bugs this month, so her teacher, Ms. Debra, suggested McKenzie bring a few of her favorite bugs into the classroom to share with the class. Brilliant idea, Ms Debra! So, here is my baby hunting rollie pollies this morning. I want all of you to think of me when I drive to school tomorrow with a giant cup of bugs in my cup holder.

Thank you, Moncheire

Many thanks to client and new friend, Moncheire, who shared some beautiful hand-me-downs with the girls. Moncheire has 4 beautiful daughters who are always photo-ready when they leave the house. She was kind enough to pass on some beautiful dresses that I can only imagine were lovely Easter frocks or even flower girl dresses. Madison thought she had died and gone to heaven when I opened the bag of clothes. Here they are modeling for me and Kim.

The next day was Sunday and I was somehow able to talk Maddie into wearing something a little low key to church. Here they are looking beautiful.