Maddie calls her "My Baby" and is the best helper we could have ever hoped for. Yesterday, Hailey was fussy and tired and generally not in a good space. We were on our way home from Wal-Mart and Maddie starts singing to her in the back seat. It was so sweet. She sang Hush Little Baby just like I sang to her as a baby. I joined in the singing to Baby Hailey and I apparently became distracted and missed a word. Maddie said, No, no Mommy. "It is a diamond ring that turns brass!"
This morning, I was getting Maddie ready for school in the living room while Hailey lay sleeping in the bedroom. I usually have a cup of milk waiting for Maddie when she gets up in the morning. Of course, today, Maddie tells me she can't hold the cup and I need to hold it for her like the baby. So, I rocked my big baby and fed her a sippy cup of milk. What a ham!
On Sunday, I told Kim how much I love being a mother. I wish I had more money and more hours in the day so I could mother more children. I was feeling unappreciated and not in a good place. Suddenly, we have a new baby. It has been so precious to watch Hailey bond to us. It has been the same with every baby we've fostered. The bonding takes place when you feed a negleted baby. It is a matter of trust. She begins to trust you when you feed her. She watches you, alert and attent, to make sure you aren't going to take the bottle away. Looking in her eyes, she understands that you won't take it away until she is finished and that will let her sleep as long as wants while her belly is full. It is a powerful and intimate connection that happens and I am so thankful for this blessing!
Hailey should be with us for a while. She will, more than likely, be coming with us to Savannah for Thanksgiving and Chicago for Christmas and Hattiesburg for my reunion. I can't wait for you to meet her. As with all of our babies, save our forever baby, we don't know what the future holds. We just appreciate every day to give a child a safe and secure place to learn about love.

Kim worked for the Attorney General's office for about a year. Her friend, Misty, is by far the best thing to come from that experience. Did we mention how crazy Maddie is about Misty?

Ok, she's cute. And now everyone can know that I wear Breathe Right strips. They are awesome! Maddie thinks they're hysterical!

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