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Monday, November 20, 2006

Birthday Celebration at Nanny and Pa's

As always, we are spending Thanksgiving week with my parents in Savannah. The rest of the family is arriving tomorrow, but today was spent focused on Maddie, the Birthday Girl. In the grand Ford tradition, the day began with Birthday Pancakes. Maddie was more impressed that I knew how to cook as she has never seen me in the kitchen doing anything more than dishes! Pa took her to get pinestraw for the yard, which turned into a big adventure. Dad gave her all kinds of toys to play with in the driveway. He is even building the grandchildren a giant swingset in the backyard. We all went on a walk, pulling Maddie in the wagon. Dad collected pine cones, which we stored in the wagon. Maddie would bend down to pick up hands full of sand on the side of the road to sprinkle the pine cones as if she were seasoning a dish. Can you tell Kim watches the Food Channel 24/7? God I love that baby!

1 comment:

pyx said...

I'm going to start styling my hair like yours, Amy. ;)
