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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Long time, no write

Yes, it is March now. It has been quite a while since I last wrote. My friends (Julie) will have to forgive me. We have been very busy. For today, I want to share with you how much I love my daughter. Maddie is 4 now and continues to be the light of my life. She is hysterically funny and grows sweeter by the day. Ok, sweeter by the day may be a stretch. She is wicked smart and knows exactly what buttons to push to get what she wants. I try to control this to some extent, but she is so dang cute. For instance, Maddie was going to take a nap with me on Saturday afternoon. I have learned it is best for me to lay completely still and quiet when trying to get Maddie down for a nap. I kept my eyes closed for a long time, but she wasn't going to sleep. I finally opened my eyes and this is what she did:

I laughed so hard and she kept doing it to keep me laughing. The nap became impossible, so we just played. Maddie has incredible timing and it so funny. In talking to my friend, Cheryl, who was adopted as an infant and recently met her birth family at the age of 45, I realized Maddie's birth mom and I probably have our sense of humor in common. I would like to think Maddie gets her funny bone from me, but more than likely it comes from her genes as well. I doubt her birth mom had much to laugh about because life is hard for her. Maddie, on the other hand, has so much to laugh about. She has endless opportunities in life.

Right now, Maddie dances every Saturday morning. We are considering T-ball or soccer. Kim and I found a T-Ball set at Wal-Mart this weekend. We set it up in the front yard and she went to town on the t-ball. Granted, she did more singing and dancing around the t-ball than actually hitting the ball, but she did hit it. We have spent some time outside every evening so she can hit the ball - and dance and sing. Here she is knocking it out of the park, or the front yard.

I promise to write more later. I have so many updates, including vacationing with celebrities!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Yay! Finally, an update! :) Maddie sure is growing up. I think she has a very promising t-ball career ahead of her!