The bigger news of the weekend was little Schewanna. She is 19 months old and became increasingly verbal over the weekend. We picked her up on Saturday morning. Sitting in the backseat together, Maddie leans over and says, "So, do you know Lightening McQueen?" I swear, that child will someday lead seminars on How to Win Friends and Influence People. Schewanna didn't say much or come to life until we got to the Texas Jumping Bean (warehouse of inflatable toys), where she laughed and played and started babbling. She was wonderful and we had so much fun. Maddie was great with her and by the end of the weekend, she was hugging everyone and smiling and playing - complete change from Saturday morning.
We picked Schewanna up Saturday morning in the pouring rain. Immediately, both girls fell asleep in the back seat.
Next, we go to Texas Jumping Beans with Sarah, Stacey, Emery, and new baby Sabrina. We had so much fun! Schewanna is apparently a dare devil because her favorite thing to do was climmbing a steep ladder and coming down the slide at break neck speed. Then she and Maddie would come together. So much fun!
Easter morning dawned at about 4 Am, when Maddie woke up and was ready to start the day. Kim told her to play in her room until the sun woke up. Eventually, I joined Maddie in the living room to watch cartoons. Apparently, I fell asleep. So did Maddie.
After church, we went to Gracie's house (mother of great friend Rebecca) for Easter fajitas. This has been our Easter tradition for 3 years. As usual, we had a wonderful time. Maddie and Schewanna had a ball. We finally left Gracie's about 5 Pm to take Schewanna back to her foster mom. I am fighting sadness because I have total faith that God is in charge and wants only the very best for me and my family. I know whatever happens, it is His will and I trust it completely. Needless to say, I love this baby. I hope she will become part of our family. She and Maddie really enjoy each other and I think they look remarkably alike. Here is the baby playing at Gracie's.
Maddie got to dye Easter eggs with Gracie, daughter DeeDee, and friend Scott. She had a ball! As usual, she had to put on Becki's shoes. What a diva!
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