Well, it's raining again. It has been raining for weeks. We took the girls to Galveston on July 5 to have a mini vacation. I had to be there for business, so the family came with me. We had hoped the rain would stop long enough to play on the beach, but it didn't. Instead, we spent a day at Moody Gardens. I don't know the complete story behind Mooday Gardens, but I can tell you it is huge. Within a huge pyramid, there was a rain forest. In another pyramid, an enormous aquarium. Through the end of August, there is a dinasour exhibit. Since Maddie loves dinasours, we spent a log of time there too. It was a fun day and we plan to go back.
My favorite part of the day was the aquarium. We had the chance to watch the seals being fed. They are hysterical! We sat there for the longest time watching them play and swim and be silly. Maddie loved the pinguens, which are all the rage right now. Kim's favorite part were the sea horses. And McKenzie loved it all.

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