After a lovely service at MCC last night, the girls went to bed with zero arguement. This has to be my very best Christmas present! Morgan was just precious in a special Christmas outfit. She was the belle of the ball.
Madison and McKenzie were able to take part in the Christmas Posada, which was super cute. The whole service was geared towards the children, making the service special for children of every age.
The girls woke up about 7:30 this morning and quickly woke us up. We let Morgan sleep in, since she is still recovering from her hospital stay, and began opening presents. Santa brought Madison an MP3 player, a School Days teacher set complete with 149 educational pieces (she is already teaching McKenzie her alphabet and expects her to be able to write her name by the end of the day!), a Barbie styling head to share with McKenzie, a Barbie movie, and some games.
Santa brought McKenzie a little brown stuffed dog much like the dog at Abby's house in Mississippi, only hers is real. McKenzie is loving her lipstick and Barbie doll. The Cabbage Patch doll Aunt Karen and Aunt Lisa gave her is a big hit. She and Madison have spent a great deal of time doing Barbie's hair and nails. Of course, bubble wrap never goes out of style!
Morgan has been sleeping on and off this morning. We took her to church last night, which was her first trip out of the house since coming home from the hospital. I think it wore her out. Kim helped her unwrap some presents. Note she is sitting up on her own now. It was fun to watch her play with all the toys. However, it makes us all a bit nuts for every toy to be turned on at the same time!
We are looking forward to a low key day together. I am sure we will get together with the neighbors later and we've been invited next door to celebrate Boxing Days with the Brits. I can hardly wait!