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Sunday, December 07, 2008

Winter Carnival

Friday night was the Winter Carnival at Madison's elementary school. I wasn't sure what to expect since I have not attended such an event before, but let me tell you, it was fabulous! There were bouncy houses, inflatable slides and obstacle courses, tons of arts and crafts, tons of games, cookie decorating, a petting zoo, cotton candy, and so much more. I was in complete shock over how much was offered for students and their families. Even the older kids in our neighborhood who have moved on to middle school came back for the big night. We had a great time and I am so glad we participated. And did I mention it was actually cold? Yes, even here in Texas where we normally decorate the tree in shorts, it was cold for the Winter Carnival!

I think our favorite part of the carnival was the petting zoo. Madison and McKenzie had so much fun picking up the little bunnies and feeding the goats, chickens, and even little piglets! Kim went with McKenzie too help and had a minor altercation with 1 small white bunny. The bunny is fine but Kim has a few scracthes. Madison had to be strongly encourage to leave since each group of kids were only allowed a limited amount of time in the petting zoo. From that experience, I now know Madison is the kid to take with me if I ever win a 10 minute shopping spree in Wal-Mart!

And who doesn't love a bouncy house??

We decorated cookies ... and ate them of course! Truth be told, the children merely added cookies to sprinkles.

And they made reindeer hats.

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