Prep Work - Madison and McKenzie dress the part

Finally, the cake has made it to the oven. Now, we wait...

On the appointed night, we invited some of the neighbors over to meet Mom and have some cake. I shared with this small group a very personal story I will now share with my blog readers. Just before Mom came to visit, I bought my first and possibly my only pair of Spanx. For anyone who doesn't know what this is, let me call it an old fashion girdle with some high tech upgrades that has become incredibly popular for all shapes and sizes largly in part to their #1 fan - Ms. Winfrey.
So, for $22.50 I buy this contraption I now believe is made of Nasa tested materials that are able to sustain some force and stress that nothing can tear this material. I could hold one leg and Kim could hold the other. We could run in opposite directions around either side of the house and never split the middle. I swear.
I've heard a lot about Spanx. What I didn't know is a bottle of some sort of lubricant is required to put them on. When I started the process, it was about 2:15 in the afternoon. I'm not really sure when the process ended because I am fairly certain I lost consciousness at some point. Anyway, I knew it was a bad sign when I thought it was tight on my calves. I had a long way to go at this point.
I never was able to get the thing on by myself. I waited until Kim came home from work and together, we were able to get me in something that should have been more accurately labled 5T. Apparently I'm not the only one who has trouble getting into Spanx because what I thought was a giant hole in the fabric was intentionally placed in the crotch as a "pee pee hole". Genious! I cannot imagine going through this much grunting, groaning, sweating, cursing, and loss of consciousness in a public bathroom! Even with Kim's help, I could never get that "pee pee hole" in the right place, if you know what I mean. I fear I will now have to pee like the dog.
I tried on the Spanx under my clothes for this delegation of friends and family in my kitchen the night of Mom's celebration. Kim helped me and we brought our time down by at least 6 minutes. Just think if we have 6 hands instead of 4! Imagine putting a goose down pillow in the smallest pillow case ever. A Barbie pillow case!! That's me getting into Spanx.
I didn't think they were worth all the trouble until everyone at my kitchen table dropped their jaw when I exited the bedroom. It cost a mere $22.50 to take 10-12 inches off my waiste! Not bad! I may even wear it out of the house someday!
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