She is very excited about turning 6 and believes she will immediately be advanced to the 1st grade. I hope she isn't too disappointed tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow, it is going to be a big day! Nanny is coming! Nanny will get to Austin around noon and will miss Madison's performance in the production of the first Thanksgiving at her school. That is ok because the entire day will be action packed. The line up looks like this:
Thanksgiving Production at school
Thanskgiving feast in cafeteria
Pick up Nanny
Birthday party at school for Madison
Birthday dinner with Nanny
I am exhausted! My goal is to just get out of the car at some point tomorrow! I am so proud of Madison and the young lady she is becoming. She isn't perfect, but she is damn near close. And funny too! I love her more and more every year and I am thankful beyond measure for her place in my life. Happy Birthday Baby!
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