She even received a trophy, which is proudly displayed on the mantle in the living room.
Since basketball isn't offered in the Spring, she has decided to play T-ball until basketball is offered again in the summer. Practice was suppose to start this week, but was cancelled due to the scary thunderstorm with hail that hit us hard Tuesday night. We are ready for practice. I found a pink catcher's mit at Academy the other day and she is ready to start!
McKenzie had her very first soccer practice on Monday night. The teams are small, only 6 kids, to maximize each player's time on the field. McKenzie immediately connected with a little boy named Aiden and they were inseparable. Of course, we later discovered Aiden was on a different team and we'll have to break the news to them at the next practice.
This is McKenzie's first experience with a team sport and I am not 100% certain she will be the athlete Madison is, which is perfectly fine. She did manage to collect every possible flower/weed on the soccer field during the course of the practice to give to me with great love.
Morgan is crawling everywhere and pulling up on anything that will stay still. The work Kim is doing with ECI and the physical therapist to help Morgan hit these developmental milestones is incredible. Morgan is now signing her wants and needs without prompting from us. Here she is signing "more".
She took her very first big girl bath with Maddie last night and loved it! She splashed and laughed and played with Maddie. It was so cute! All we were missing was McKenzie, who was getting her hair washed in the shower.