July is already coming to a close, which seems so hard to believe. I calculated there are 27 more days until my baby starts the 1st grade! Wasn't the last day of kindergarten just last week? The month has flown by with vacation preparation, vacation, and then vacation recovery. The girls doing the most amazing things, especially Morgan. She is walking everywhere! And she is definitely going to be our climber. I was playing with her on the bed tonight and remembering the night she arrived. Kim and I sat up all night in the bed just looking at her and wondering what her name should be. And now look at her!
Maddie is so sweet with Morgan and they spend a lot of time together. Maddie has done a lot to help her walk, which just warms my heart. Here they are together.

We took the girls to Chik-fil-A the other night for dinner and they had their faces painted by an amazing lady who is definitely coming to a birthday party at our house. Aren't they gorgeous?

Morgan has discovered the dog door. Need I say more?

She also loves to look at herself in the mirror or in pictures. Here are Morgan and Misty reviewing pictures on Misty's laptop.

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