On our way back to Austin we stopped at the Southside Market, legendary for it's sausage and BBQ. This is the moment Kim and I began to think we had lost our minds taking a 4th child. The meal was an absolute zoo. I couldn't wait to get home. Only things got worse when we reached the house. The baby was scared and couldn't stop crying. Maddie and McKenzie missed their naps and Morgan couldn't figure out why the heck this baby wouldn't stop crying. It was a very long, dark night and I am happy to report things are much better today.
The new baby is unfamiliar with the concept of having a routine. Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Henry have worked opposite work schedules all of her life and there doesn't seem to be any conistency. She is very small, only wearing a size 3-6 months when she is actually 7 months old. We've asked our friend and Morgan's former ECI coordinator to come over this afternoon to give us a quick evaluation because I don't think all is right. She doesn't have much head or neck control, will not look you in the eyes, and is nowhere close to sitting up. We definitely have our work cut out for us.
So, are you wondering about a name? I am fairly certain we will name her in honor of our first black President, Malea. I promise to make a decision soon because I can't keep calling her baby. That's what I call Kim :) Today we will take her back to Bonnie's at 5 Pm. She will come home to us for good next Saturday and will start school with Kim on Monday. Thankfully she can be in Kim's classroom the way Morgan was. Stay tuned for the legal updates. And thank you for all the prayers and the love. We really need it right now.
There was a great playscape and the girls loved it. Even Morgan refused to ride in the stroller because she wanted to run!
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