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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I can read! I can read!

Tuesday night is basketball practice for Madison at the YMCA. So last night I take her to practice while Kim picks up McKenzie and Morgan from school and feeds them dinner. It was about 6:45 when we walked through the front door, loaded down with coats, a backpack, 1 purse, and some trash from the mini van.

I wasn't 3 steps inside the door when McKenzie rushes to my side shouting "I can read! I can read!" She pulls me into the dining room to show me the book bag with her name on it given to her by Mrs. Gwen at school. Inside was a 6 page pre-school book with a reading log inside. It is very similar to the little books Maddie still brings home from school every day to read.

Well you would have thought someone had said "MCKENZIE RASMUS-FORD! YOU'RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD IN AN HOUR!" She could hardly contain the excitement in her little body. She couldn't wait to sit down to read with me the way Maddie reads with me. Inside her special book bag was a note from Mrs. Gwen that reads:

"Amy and Kim, when I tested McKenzie earlier in the year, she missed 15 letters and the sounds they make. I tested her again today and she only missed 3 sounds. She is ready to start reading."

Well holy cow! I dropped my coat and the purse and the trash to read her very first book with her - The Face Sandwich. The word she knows the best is "the" and she doesn't say "the", instead she says each letter - "T-H-E". We sounded out words and made it through all 6 pages with me doing most of the reading, but she was beside herself with excitement.

Later that night, I sat in Maddie's bed while she read to me the final chapters of June B. Jones - Cheater Pants. I looked over at McKenzie, who was simultaneously doing the splits and reading the Dr. Seuss ABC book. She was practicing the sounds of each letter. Unprompted. Oh Lord, help me. I am so proud I may just burst. Kissing her good night I told her that once she learned to read, she could do anything in the world. Of course, I told Maddie the same thing when Obama was elected President and she took that to mean she didn't have to go to bed at 8. Kids!

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