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Friday, June 25, 2010

Little Helping Hands

 I am so excited to learn about this great non-profit organization in Austin called Little Helping Hands.  Created by a mother who wanted to instill in her own children concept of charity, Little Helping Hands offers children the opportunity to volunteer their time to help others in the community.  Kim and I took Madison to her first event 2 weeks ago where we packed brown bag meals for the women of St. Louise House, which provides housing for women and children who were previously homeless.  Along with five other families, we packaged 60 dinners for folks to eat during a training event that night.  I was blown away by the entire experience. 

This week I took Maddie to the giant Good Will retail store where she and other children scoured the floor for doughnuts, the little plastic pieces on the top of a hanger displaying the size.  Apparently the doughnuts are a huge safety hazard and it is easy for children to see them so each kiddo received an Easter like basket and before I knew it, Maddie had filled hers!  I straightened racks and gathered empty hangers.  There were snacks afterward and a tour of the warehouse.  I don't know how much Maddie actually got out of the tour, but she definitely knows where are donated clothes end up. 

I can hardly wait to find another opportunity with Little Helping Hands to involve Madison in a service oriented project.  She tends to be a bit too big for her britches and any chance I have to provide a reality check for my first born is a good thing.

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