I loaded Madison and McKenzie into the car early on a Thursday morning and started the 11 hour drive to Hattiesburg. The girls watched movies, played with toys, occassionally argued, and finally slept. We rolled into the driveway of Mollie and Scott's beautiful home and I thought I would literally kiss the pavement! I was exhausted and running on pure adrenaline.
Madison has visited Mississippi with me on two other occassions. Both times she made immediate friends with Mollie's daughter. I am touched that my child is now buddies with the child of my childhood friend! McKenzie, as usual, followed Maddie's lead and became fast buddies with Abby. Here they are playing dress up. Please note McKenzie has a dress on that is now tucked into the leotard with high heels.

It was on the first night of my visit that I realied I left the battery of my camera plugged into the wall at home. I was in total shock. This was a huge weekend filled with friends I haven't seen in years and I left the battery at home! Of course, the camera was in my suitcase, but it was totally worthless without the juice! I did attempt to buy a second battery in Hattiesburg, but I couldn't find the right kind. The next best option was a disposable one and I actually came home with 4 pictures. The other 20 something photos were taken courtesy of Madison. So, if you need to know what is on the inside of Maddie's nose, give me a shout. I have several snap shots.
Friday night I left the girls at the parent's night out at Parkway and met my best gal pal, Jennifer, at my favorite Crescent City Grille and her beautiful children. I have met Evan once before, but this was my first time to meet the lovely Lila Ann. Evan is 100% boy with lots to say. He sat next to me at dinner and I fell head over heels in love with this precious soul. We colored pictures, shared french fries, and heard all about life in Petal, Ms. Lila Ann, on the other hand, looks like she was spit from her mama's mouth like a watermelon seed! I mean, was anyone else involved in her conception? Lila Ann is a mini me of Jennifer, including the attitude. She is absolutely adorable!!

Saturday brought the baby shower for Kim and Sarah. I saw friends I haven't seen in years, including Sarah! It was a wonderful day and the girls had a ball with Annie, daughter of Jeramy. On a lighter note, Madison and McKenzie thought Annie would sing at any moment. The shower began at 11 Am and once the guests left, the hostesses and a few husbands spent the afternoon catching up. #1 Husband John Bishop took us on a boat ride of the lake, where Madison and Annie were allowed to drive the boat. I knew in an instant John was creating a monster in Madison. She loved it! I am still waiting on the shower ladies to send me pictures since the camera was without power. It was a fabulous day and worth the long drive to Hattiesburg. We got home to Mollie's late in the day and all 3 of us collapsed. So much fun!
On Sunday we attended church at Parkway. It was great to be back and see so many old friends. It was an emotional experience to sit in the sanctuary and think of all the memories made in that room. The stain glass window that dominates the sanctuary has been witness to so many profound moments in my life. It was in front of that window that I came to know God and where my faith began. The church is growing and changing, as it should. It is hard to watch pieces of your childhood change. The window remains and that is enough for me.
Sunday afternoon we attended a church picnic where I was able to see even more friends. The girls participated in a semi triatholon that included a tricycle race, run with a cup full of water, and two legged race. They had so much fun. After the race, the crowd of 200-300 people gathered around a PA system where Debra Topp asked the kids who would like to bless the food. Madison raises her hand and as Debra asks the crowd to bow their heads, Madison takes the microphone and launches into the pledge of allegance. Without missing a beat, the crowd jumps to their feet with hands of hearts to recite the pledge with her. It was classic! I only wish I could have caught it on video!
Madison and McKenzie had a great time with Abby and many other children. Here they are enjoying some of the goodies prepared by the hands of fine Christian women.

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