Here are Madison and McKenzie in the tub the night before we left.
Kim's wonderful friend, Misty, came over late that night to help us get ready. She played with the kids, helped us pack, brought over scarves and gloves. What a lifesaver!
The girls love to "swim" in Auntie Joan's hot tub whenever we visit Chicago. Since I spent 2 hours twisiting Madison's hair, I made her promise not to get it wet. Fortunately, Joan had a frosting cap nearby!
After the funeral service, there was a wonderul luncheon at a local restaurant. Before the family scattered to the winds, we snapped some pictures of the family. Here are the Rasmus grandchildren. Mac and Autumn are on the left, children of Kim's brother Bob and wife Andrea. Amanda is holding McKenzie, Jackie is holding Morgan, and the very handsome Bill rounds out the bunch. Amanda, Jackie and Bill belong to Chris, Kim's oldest sister.
Here are Kim and her siblings - Bob, Joan, Chris, and Kim
And the whole family
Kim took the girls sledding with best friend, Deby (aka Doo-doo).
I am so blessed to love Kim's friends as much as I do. I can't imagine Chicago without Deby and Mary. They were absolute angels to us this week.
Like generations of Rasmus kids before her, Morgan had a kitchen sink bath that reminded us of doing the same thing for Madison when she was this age. Exactly this age.
With extremely cold temps and lots of snow, keeping the children entertained wasn't easy. I took the older girls to bowl yesterday and we had so much fun. Here is Madison explaining the game to McKenzie. Of course, it did take 2-4 minutes and several prayers for her ball to reach the pins.
This trip marked Morgan's first plane ride. Like her sisters before her, she did great! Here she is tucked in and ready for take off.
We are finally home and completely exhausted. While the big girls took a bath, Morgan fell asleep on our bed waiting her turn. God bless her.
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