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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Kindergarten Graduation

Walking into the school this morning with dozens of other excited parents, it seemed like kindergarten orientation, rather than graduation. Weren't we just here to learn the ropes? Kim and I met Janean in the parking lot of the school and we waited in the kindergarten hallway with other parents, grandparents, and friends to watch the our babies close one door and open another. I thought I would cry during the ceremony that took place in the classroom, but I didn't. As a matter of fact, I couldn't stop smiling. They were so cute!

The children stood in front of the room and performed a series of songs, including Bon Jovi's Living on a Prayer.

Maddie had so much fun celebrating the day with her friends, including best friend Addison and "special" friend, Sean, who lives next door.

Aunt Nenee came to graduation and brought Madison a beautiful necklace. It is a silver chain holding a silver star. Beautiful! We were touched that Nenee would make time to come all the way to the Rock for the morning. We love you Nenee!

Kim and I are so proud of Madison. She is such an amazing little girl. It seems impossible to me that she is entering the 1st grade! When did that happen?

A few hours after taking all these pictures, Madison's other front tooth came out. She caught it with little blood or drama. (Still thinking back to the first one she lost and the neighbors came running!) Now she really has a pumpkin smile!

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