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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a great holiday weekend! We spent Friday night shopping with friends at the Outlets, which, in my opinion, is the ideal way to shop. You bring 2 parents with their own 2 kids who get along beautifully with your own kids. The kids entertain each other, leaving parents a few minutes to complete a thought and buy some new shoes, shorts, etc in the process. The next 2 days were filled with playdates and trips to the grocery store.

On Sunday, we had a cook out with most of the Village to celebrate Morgan's first birthday. As always, the food was delicious and the company wonderful. We planned our shore excursions for the Alaskan cruise this summer, which put everyone in a good mood. McKenzie had Ellah over for the evening while her Mom and Dad went to a wedding. We all had a blast.

Morgan was a riot with her birthday cake. The cake almost didn't make it home thanks to an inexperienced baker, followed by a distracted store manager who set 2 dozen eggs on top of the cake. Poor Kim went through hell to get this cake home in one piece! I can hardly believe Morgan is 1 year old! On the one hand, it feels like yesterday that we received the call announcing her birth. On the other hand, it feels like a million years ago. This has been an action packed year for sure!

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