I took Maddie to the neighborhood kindergarten mixer last night at the pool. There were approximately 30 kids in the pool. Only 5 of them were boys. Did I mention I met 6 little girls named Maddie? One mother organized this event and had get-to-know-you games too. I thought it was great. Maddie mostly enjoyed the swimming and without trying to hard she met a couple of new friends. Next week is the Kindergarten Picnic at the park across the street from the school. The kids are suppose to bring their lunch boxes. OMG! I can't believe it is time for this! The kindergarten teachers as well as the principal are suppose to come to the picnic. On Thursday, we meet the teacher in the classroom. Finally, school starts on the 26th.
I didn't think I would be upset or emotional about kindergarten because Maddie has gone to day care since she was a year old. What is scary to me is not having control over her enviroment. We have been able to shield her from a lot so far and now she is going to be in the world. Not just in our house. I am so afraid of her being hurt. There is a lot she could be teased or picked on about. I suddenly feel guilty. I know that seems ridiculous because of course she is going to get her feelings hurt and of course she is going to feel pain. That is what it is to be human. But I don't like it one bit. I love her so much. I want to shield her from all of that and yet, I know that isn't possible. I hope we've taught her how to carry herself and given her a sense of who she is. I hope she is strong enough to handle the obvious teasing and taunts. I would hate to have to beat some little kid senseless for making my baby cry :)
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