We did it!! Madison started kindergarten today and it was a wonderful experience. Here she is in front of the house with backpack and lunch box, ready for adventures at her new school. I only had to call her name once this morning to get her out of bed. She was excited to start the day, having breakfast and then getting dressed without a word of arguement. Yes, I realize this won't last long, but I certainly enjoyed the experience.
The first morning was a bit overwhelming to the grown ups, but all in all we did ok. The children gathered in the cafeteria in designated areas according to which teacher they have. And then one class at a time went to their room. We found the designated area for Madison's teacher without too much trouble and then we saw her teacher. Maddie walked over, said Good Morning, and introduced herself again. Mrs. Voss told her where to sit and there she sat. While other children were crying and hugging good bye, Madison sat smiling for the camera.
I felt much better leaving her once Emily arrived. Emily is Madison's good friend from Emerson Academy and we are so happy the girls are together again.
Maddie walked to her classroom with her soon-to-be-friends, waiving at us and smiling her million dollar smile. We are so proud of her! I can hardly believe the morning went this well. All my fears and anxieties disappeared this morning when the time came to actually do it. As Kim pointed out in the car as we drove away from the school, this was our plan - to raise a confident, outgoing young lady who is charming and brilliant at the same time. I guess I can check that one off the to do list!
After taking Madison to school, I drove McKenzie to her school. There were many questions about Maddie's location. And then she tells me, "I want to be with Maddie." I explained Maddie had gone to big girl school this morning. McKenzie replied, "I'm big too!" It touches me deeply that they love each other this much given the number of arguements I listen to every day. The ride to school was very sweet with McKenzie.
Stay tuned for news from the first day of school!
1 comment:
You're gonna do great in Kindergarten, Maddie! We're so proud! Love, John and Christa
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