Last night our good friends, Karen and Lisa, came over to watch the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics and eat Chinese food with us. Kim asked Madison about her tooth and they began wiggling it. My cocky child shrugged her shoulders and told Kim "That doesn't even hurt" and then suddenly .... SCREAMING SCREAMING SCREAMING I was upstairs with McKenzie and actually took the steps two at a time to see what the screaming was about. I find Kim and Madison over the sink in the bathroom, blood pouring from Maddie's mouth, and the said tooth pointing at the mirror. Maddie is in obvious distress and Kim very calmly reassures her this is what is suppose to happen. The alligator tears were killing me!
McKenzie and I nervously stand in the doorway of the bathroom watching all of this. I glance into the living room in time to see Karen and Lisa dying of laughter. Laughter! My baby is dying in front of me and they are laughing! I was tempted to loan the Tooth Fairy a twenty after watching this drama unfold.
It seemed like hours, but it really only took 5 minutes for Kim to present me with a perfectly beautiful shiny white tooth. Maddie sniffled for about 10 minutes and proceeded to speak with great difficulty for the next hour. We cuddled her for a while and she shared with us how thankful she was to have this experience complete. When I told her the rest of teeth had to come out eventually, she nearly cried again! Poor baby.
Did I mention that McKenzie followed her around for an hour or so asking if she was ok? So sweet!
So without further ado, here is my baby less 1 tooth.
It was a late night last night. Mid way through the Opening Ceremony, Lisa volunteered (I swear!) to put together 1 of 3 pieces of IKEA furniture in our dining room. We now have a beautiful book shelf upstairs on the landing. Finally - a place for my books! For the last 8 years, my books have been in boxes in a packed garage. Now I can have them on display! Thank you Lisa and Helper Karen!
We slept in this morning. Morgan was the first to wake up and then McKenzie. McKenzie's teacher, Ms. Sereta, is expecting a baby in a little over a month, which makes McKenzie very interested in babies in tummies. She asks everyone if they have a baby in their tummy. Last night, she came downstairs with an obvious baby bump in her dress up clothes. Eventually, a baby appeared. Here are all 3 of the babies saying Good Morning to each other.
Later in the day, Madison and McKenzie went to Kylie's birthday party where they played at McDonald's and then saw a movie at the local theater. They had a blast and were absolutely precious before leaving the house. Here they are in their birthday finery.
Kim and Morgan spent some time chatting this afternoon. She is beginning to sleep through the night (Morgan,not Kim) and we are super excited. It hasn't been every night, but several nights this week. This makes everyone super happy and much better adjusted. Ain't she sweet?
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