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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Apollo Comes to Texas

Tonight we experienced the early show at the Apollo when Madison organized a performance with her sisters.  This is a common practice in our house - performing in the living room.  Maddie is always the instigator, or shall we say the Dianna Ross of the family.  She usually goes to great measure to choreograph something for her sisters to do to compliment her show.  McKenzie is usually eager to go along with whatever Maddie says to do, but recently Morgan has started to compete with Maddie for the spotlight.  Sometimes the girls stand in front of the fireplace, using this area as a stage since there is a spotlight in the ceiling.  Other times they stand on stools.  Tonight, they sat on stools from the kitchen to perform Morgan's FAVORITE song - the theme from Barney.  Take special note of the passion in Madison's performance. 

Eventually McKenzie joins in the act and our duo turns into a trio.  Of course, the act fell apart in the end and everyone went to bed, but it was good while it lasted. 

It was a great night and Kim and I feel blessed to have witnessed such an incredible performance.  I am already marking this video footage for future use by the producers of VH1's Behind the Music. I am sure this is exactly the way Destiny's Child started out!  I've seen their Behind the Music episode and it definitely includes grainy video from the living room!  What amazing kiddos we have!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Like Mother Like Daughter

There are legendary stories in my family of things my mother has said in a crisis or things she has done that we just can't forget.  We have treasured these stories over the years by re-telling them as often as possible, much to my mother's dismay.  Really, it is a sign of love and adoration.  Of course, now that I am a mother and this stuff is starting to happen to me, it's not quite as funny.  Let's first take a look at my mother's track record.

At some point in the mid-eighties, my father decided to remove a dog pin in the backyard used by the former owners of the house.  In the act of hammering some boards in an upward motion, my father hits himself in the eye.  We believe he fell to the ground and at some point, lost consciousness.  When he awakens, he hears my younger brother shooting hoops on the other side of the fence.  He calls to my brother, "Get your mother!"  Carl runs inside the house, yelling for Mom to come outside.  Unfortunately for  my dad, my mother was on the phone.  In that classic mother way, mom snaps her fingers and whispers loudly to my brother in pure irritation for interrupting her call, "I AM ON THE PHONE!"  So my sweet, clueless brother runs back outside and yells to Dad, "She's on the phone!"  Writhing in pain on the ground, Dad tells him to go back and "get your mother!"  This time Carl peeks around the corner to actually see Dad laying on the ground and is able to get my mother's attention.  I AM ON THE PHONE is a classic in  my family.

Fast forward a few years and Carl and Dad are in the carport playing hackey sack when Dad snaps his Achilles tendon.  Looking back, I can't imagine how painful that must have been.  Carl comes running into the house to get help as Dad, again, lays on the ground writhing in pain.  I remember sitting on the sofa reading the paper when Carl cleared the back door.  Unfortunately for Dad, Mom was on the phone again.  You guessed it - the loud whisper and snapping of the fingers, I AM ON THE PHONE!  Poor Dad.  This time, Carl managed scream "CALL  911" and Mom hung up the phone. 

When I was in the 9th grade, I rode the bus to school.  On this one morning, my mother drove me to school and I insisted I did not feel well.  I told her over and over again how much my glands hurt.  She insisted I was fine and I was going to school.  So Mom drops me off and I go into the classroom where  my teacher promptly tells me I look funny and to go to the office.  I walk into the office to see the nurse where it is determined I had the mumps.  I loved making that call to my mother.  Yep, I told you so. 

My mother Christmas shops all year long, hitting sales on December 26 for the following year.  She has a special way of finding the perfect gift for her children and then hiding it away until Christmas.  She's amazing.  The place she falls short is in the act of remembering where she has hidden said gift.  Actually, Mom has found the perfect way to extend the holiday season into January and February.  I love to hear she's found a gift weeks later and I have something new to unwrap!  Classic Nora!

So  now I am the mother.  I am responsible for the lives of three precious angels and I can see my mother in my mothering.  Yes, there are the sweet things like singing little songs to my kids, or gently waking them up in the morning with loving words and back rubs, or even the way I have to turn down the radio in the car in order for me to think clearly.  Now that I have been doing this mom thing for a while, I am starting to recognize the stories my children will one day tell on me. 

Let's take the incident with the milk.  I poured little cups of milk for dinner and was irritated when Madison resisted drinking her milk.  I explained how important calcium is and how much I want her to have strong bones.  When that didn't work, I stepped it up a little by telling her she had to drink her milk before leaving the table.  When that didn't work, I started threatening.  When that didn't work, I started yelling.  (Yeah, I'm not proud of that but it happens.)  Eventually Maddie drank the milk.  The night went on in the normal way - homework, baths, books, and bedtime.  Kim and I watched TV after the kids went to bed and when 10 pm rolled around,  I poured a small shot of milk to swallow my Melatonin.  It is a MIRACLE I did not spray that milk all over the kitchen and actually made it to the sink to spit the RANCID milk out.  I gagged and wretched and rinsed my mouth with water from the sink repeatedly as Kim laughed uncontrollably.  I felt awful!  I made my babies drink sour milk!!!  I felt so guilty!  The next morning I shared the milk story with Julie, best friend of the ages, and she asked, "Well didn't Maddie tell you it tasted bad?"  Julie is the mother of the most precious little boys who are 5 and 3.  She has no idea how manipulative and argumentative little girls can be.  "Of course she said it tasted bad, but it's not like I believed her!" 

And then there is the latest story of making Maddie eat Thanksgiving dinner with a fractured arm.  This will be a classic, I can already tell.  She fell off the monkey bars in the backyard 2 hours before Thanksgiving dinner hit the table.  Yes, she cried.  Yes, it was red.  Yes, it hurt.  In our defense, she was able to move her fingers and the swelling was minor.  The rest of the night was DRAMA filled over the arm.  We made it through dinner and dishes.  We put Madison to bed with Tylenol assuring her the arm was going to be fine.  She was up twice during the night with tears and sobs, saying how much it hurt.  At 4:30 am, Kim takes her to the ER to learn she had, in fact, fractured her arm.  Well I'll be darned.  Again, another classic in the making.

I love being a mother largely impart because I love my own mother as much as I do.  And I don't just love her, I enjoy her.  We laugh and cry and cut up with each other on the phone and in person.  I hope my girls love me as much when they are 37 as I love my mother now.  I am sure there will be a million tales to tell on me and I welcome every one, I think.  Hopefully I can learn a thing or two from Mom about how to be gracious under ridicule. 

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Recap

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving and I am looking forward to the left overs tonight!  Our family was joined by 2 others for a fabulous meal and a good time was had by all.  There were 6 lovely adults and 6 very active children and a blaze in the fireplace made the day nearly perfect.  I was so excited to use my Christmas china and new table linens.  Mother - I actually ironed the table cloth!  It was a great day and would have been one for the record books if Madison had not fallen off the monkey bars and fractured her right arm.  Yep, first break of our family.  We knew she hurt it when it happened, but didn't realize the severity until she woke up several times during the night crying in pain.  Kim took her to the ER about 4:30 this morning and an X-Ray confirmed the fracture. 

Somehow I was bamboozled into getting up this morning at 3 Am to take part in Black Friday.  It started with Misty going and then Kim was going and then suddenly I was going while Kim slept.  Yes, I got the short end of the stick.  So I set the alarm for 3 Am and throw on some warm clothes upon rolling out of the bed.  I parked the car at 3:33 am along with 4,000 other people.  I stood in a line that wrapped around the building in the rain that turned to sleet for 30 minutes until the store opened at 4 Am.  On the upside, I made some great friends in line.

I walked into the store at 4:03 and headed straight for the hot ticket item in high demand in my house.  At 4:04 Am the entire stock of our hot ticket item was sold out.  I thought I would cry on the spot.  This item was on significant sale - essentially buy 1 get 1.  I struggled against the crowd still pouring through the doors to make my way back to the van.  I was so disappointed.  I crawled back into the bed totally defeated.  Kim then took Madison to the ER and 5 minutes later, McKenzie and Morgan woke up for the day.  It's been a LONG day today.  Morgan conked out on the living room floor about 10 Am.

So, I can't leave you thinking the day was a total disappointment.  Misty called from Target mid morning to say there were plenty of hot ticket items and Target was price matching!!  Woohoo!  Thanks to Misty, we have our hot ticket items!  And the whole family has spent the day recovering from too much turkey and not enough sleep.  Here's to decorating tomorrow!

A Cowgirl Birthday Party

I took McKenzie to a birthday party last weekend for her friend Kayla, who is in the same kindergarten class.  It makes me feel so good for the children to receive birthday party invitations - proof positive of friendship and social interaction.  We drove WAY out in the country to Kayla's grandparent's farm for the party.  There was a giant longhorn named Pat, several cows, a bunch of chickens, 1 donkey straight out of Shrek who did not like posing for pictures, and a pony to ride.  McKenzie had a great time and I enjoyed visiting with the other parents.  Here are just a few pictures from the day.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

My favorite holiday of the year has finally arrived and so far, it has been a fabulous day.  The girls let us sleep until 8 this morning, which is unusual and much appreciated.  Kim and I had a great time going through the newspaper and all of the sale ads.  I've never actually done the whole Black Friday routine, but Kim has fond memories of shopping till you drop. I take that back.  Mom, Kathy and I once hit McRae's (department store) for the Black Friday sale.  We were actually one of the first through the doors and made it all the way to the bind of Cracker Jack boxes (coupon inside) when we paused to look at the madness around us.  It was crazy!  All three of us looked at each other and make the decision to hit the breakfast buffet at Shoney's instead of risking life and limb to save a few dollars.  Despite that one experience, I still enjoy reading the sale ads on Thanksgiving morning. 

Maddie, McKenzie, and Morgan played outside this morning for almost 3 hours!  No fighting, no crying, no telling on each other.  They went back and forth between the trampoline and the playscape.  It warmed our hearts to see them playing so sweetly.  It also gave me and Kim time to finish cleaning and cooking for Thanksgiving.  Okay, you know Kim is the one cooking and we both cleaned.  We are less than an hour away from friends arriving for Thanksgiving dinner and we can hardly wait to get at that bird.  Kim cooks a bird overnight and it smells so good in this house! 

Did I mention the big cold front arrived a few minutes ago?  Yes, it has been in the 80's here for a week or more, which doesn't feel very holiday at all.  We have been looking forward to this cold front for days because the temps are dropping into the 30's.  Of course, we're back to the 70's next week but who cares!  I get a fire in the fireplace for Thanksgiving!  The wind is wipping past the house and I think I might have seen a small dog flying by.  As long as we don't see an airborn lady on a bicycle, I think we're okay. 

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday with ones you love.  I am so incredibly thankful for my children and for Kim, who made me a mother.  I thank God every day for the gift of my parents and our home.  And I am thankful for Mary and Vanessa, who brought my children into this world.  May they be warm, safe, and loved wherever they are.  And to those who have passed on, we give thanks for the special place they still hold in our hearts - Kathy, Bern & Clarence, Margaret & Tommy, June & Carlton. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Madison - Year 8 Begins

Today is my baby's birthday.  I can hardly believe she is 8 years old today!  I wasn't there when she was born, as you know.  It took 13 days to bring the miracle to our home and only 30 seconds to have my heart stolen by the tiniest baby I had ever seen.  Kim and I celebrated Thanksgiving that year with my parents in Savannah.  We were traveling on the day the greatest love we have ever known was born, totally clueless as to what was coming our way.  At the time, we were mothers to a foster baby, Bria, and were preparing our hearts for her departure in January.  So when Kim called me at work to say a newborn was on her way to the house, I was excited to have someone new to love.

I remember walking in the door and seeing the tiniest baby ever (only 3 1/2 lbs!!!) wrapped in a blanket and sitting in the car seat.  The dilemma was how to feed her since her mouth was too small to hold a bottle.  It was a frantic search for a premmie bottle, which looks just like a shot glass with a nipple, and finally found a few generous nurses in the NICU at St. David's Hospital who gave us everything we needed to care for our little one.  Maddie suffered from terrible colic as an infant and her first 3 months of life were extremely stressful.  The first 24 hours at home were stressful!  I remember laying on my bed with Maddie in the first few days of our life together, wondering if I was up to this challenge.  I was exhausted and emotional and afraid of how fragile this life was.  I laid beside Maddie, watching her sleep with her hands clasped as if in prayer.  She always slept this way in the beginning - so sweet!  Anyway, so I am watching her sleep when she suddenly opens her eyes and rolls her tiny head toward me.  She looks me straight in the face and then closes her eyes to resume sleep.  It was like she was checking to make sure I was still there.  I was.  And I knew in my heart at that exact moment that I would never leave her side.  She was mine.  Forever.

So today we celebrated her birthday with friends and the Village at the skating rink.  The day started early with a giant do-nut from Round Rock Donuts and presents from the family.

After a bath and an hour of fabulous hair styling, we went to the skating rink where Madison amazed all of us with her skills.  She did so well!  This was McKenzie's first time on skates and had some trouble staying upright.  And then Morgan insisted on having her own skates!  Low and behold she did an awesome job skating!  I am completely shocked.

We had a fun bunch of friends there to celebrate the day.  Maddie's good friends from school and one of our favorite former neighbors rounded out the party goers.  We even had a surprise visit from Mrs. Leitch, the counselor at Maddie's school and her favorite grown up at the school.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Roller Boogie for Jennifer Doleac

Jenn, this one is for you!  I could have watched these fellas all day at Madison's birthday party.  Amazing.  Enjoy.

Nanny Comes to Visit

Did you know we have the best Nanny in the world?  Yep, we sure do.  My mother has set the bar pretty dang high in the grandparent department, including coming to visit for every child's birthday.  Mom and Dad came to visit in August for McKenzie's birthday, which coincidentally (NOT!) coincided with my book launch.  There was so much going on from the launch party to surprise visitors from Atlanta to a pool party for the birthday girl.  It was exhausting!  So it was really nice to have Mom here for Madison's birthday and nothing else.

Madison chose to have her birthday dinner at Joe's Crabshack, which worked out beautifully.  We were seated on the back deck so the kids could play.  It warms my heart to see the girls play together and love one another.  Mom let Maddie open her gifts from Nanny and Pa.  She received a pair of peace earrings (the peace sign is all the rage again), a scarf covered in peace signs, and a beautiful green shirt.  Mom and Maddie were so cute opening packages together. 

I remember the day Mom met Maddie or Maddie met Mom.  It was the weekend of my 30th birthday and Maddie was 2 months old.  She was still super tiny and suffering from colic.  The ideal scenario of care for Madison was to hold her 24/7, which wasn't realistic for 2 working moms.  And then Nora walked in.  Mom picked up that baby and never put her down.  In every picture from that weekend, Nora is somewhere in the background holding the baby.  Nora became Nanny and Maddie broke her in well.  The two of have been connected at the heart ever since. 

So thank you, Nanny, for sharing in this week's special celebration of Madison's life.  We love you and can hardly wait to get you back for Christmas.

Gypsy Picnic

I have a new favorite event in Austin, which is saying a lot since I am firmly planted in my suburban lifestyle.  Kim heard about the Gypsy Picnic and after some investigating, my made the trip to downtown Austin, braved the parking situation, and walked a few blocks to the picnic at Auditorium Shores.  The Gypsy Picnic brought together 30+ food trucks from around the city to strut their stuff.  Everything offered was $3 and I guarantee they made a killing. 

The day was gorgeous and the live music rocked.  We brought all 3 kids with us, which I think we might not do next year given the length of the lines.  Seriously people, there were 50,000 folks were expected to sample some of the best food Austin has to offer.  While Kim stood in one line, I took the kids to grab hot dogs but these were no normal dogs.  These were Man Bites Dog dogs and had to be the best I have ever eaten.  As a matter of fact, Kim and I want to find this food truck downtown to go back for more.  We had so many delicious bites and could have stayed for hours more if the kids hadn't run out of patience.  Okay, if Morgan hadn't run out of patience.  We made the mistake of letting her out of the stroller and in a split second she was off and running in a crowd of 25,000!  Obviously, I caught her and all is well.  Believe me, you would have heard about it long before now if I hadn't.

I am marking my calendar for the first weekend in November in 2011 to picnic again with the Gypsies.  It was a an awesome day and totally worth parking downtown!