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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

It is 9:17 Pm on Christmas night and the kids are finally asleep.  I am exhausted, having had the most wonderful Christmas in recent memory.  My parents flew in from Georgia yesterday and were able to be part of Christmas morning.  The girls woke up at 6 Am, despite being told last night they could not come downstairs before 7.  Of course, I used to get my parents up at 3 and 4 in the morning on Christmas so, really, why am I complaining?  Anyway, we spent about an hour opening presents.  I absolutely delighted in watching the children tear through gifts!  There were barking dogs, new clothes, books, dolls, toys, and finally - the bikes.  Madison actually learned how to ride a 2 wheeler in about 10 minutes in 25 degree weather!  I am so proud of every one of them!  It has been a fantastic day with great food, naps, Mom and Dad, no schedule, and my family.  I am so incredibly blessed. 

Do you know the Christmas song about the red shoes for the dying mother?  I am not a big fan of the song but I thought of it in Sam's the other day while waiting in line for a hot dog.  Kim was checking out and I was in line for lunch. McKenzie and Madison ran between us with the expected excitement and enthusiasm of children just before Christmas.  Each of them came over to me and gave a hug or other expression of love.  I gave them each a squeeze.  I remember McKenzie telling me she loves me, which is a fairly regular ocurance.  For some reason, I turned slightly and the man standing behind me caught my eye.  He was a total stranger.  A middle aged white man in slacks and a dress shirt with his collar unbuttoned. 

"They really love you," he said.

Startled, I turned toward him and said, "Yes they do."

"I mean they really love you and I bet it isn't just at Christmas," he speculated.

"Yes, they do.  I am a lucky lady."

Isn't it amazing how a few words from a stranger can warm your heart and bring all the chaos of shopping while unemployed, preparing for the holidays, and school holidays into focus? I will always remember the man from Sam's the week before Christmas. 

Merry Christmas to all of you reading these words.  I hope you have had a day filled with the ones you love.  I told a friend earlier today - I am exhausted, stuffed, and broke.  I wish you the same!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These are the most adorable little girls! You have a beautiful family and I'm sure they'll appreciate you capturing their childhood memories here on your family blog.